The precepts upon which the I Can Relate Game and Method™ are built are well-established in a variety of social-science, theological, and philosophical studies. The empirical research that led to the development of the I Can Relate Model focused on the social sciences and compassionate theology in exploring how to increase well-being in relationships and learning how to manage the effects of anxiety on well-being.
An extensive body of rigorous research (including randomized control trials, longitudinal follow-ups, and multiple replications) demonstrates that education that promotes social and emotional learning (SEL) gets results. The findings come from multiple fields and sources that include student achievement, neuroscience, health, employment, psychology, classroom management, learning theory, economics, and the prevention of youth problem behaviors.
A multitude of scientific studies support the impact empathy neurons (also called mirror neurons) have on relationship enhancement and well-being. The concepts of integration and self-awareness as promoting well-being are solidly supported by scientific studies and supported by Interpersonal Neurobiology (Daniel Siegel and associates) and other social science experts.
The teaching of Murray Bowen and Edwin Friedman and the empirical research behind Systems Theory solidly examines the effects of reducing anxiety and enhancing self-differentiation in supporting well-being.
A growing body of research reports and academic publications support the process of Nonviolent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg-NVC/Compassionate Communication) as it is used to build healthy relationships.
Four years of Dr. Lonsbury’s lived experience as a chaplain in a wet-house for late-stage alcoholics were documented and examined through qualitative, case-study research that focused on managing anxiety and enhancing well-being within a crisis context.
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